Evolving Fist Wing Chun

“As long as it stays Logical, It doesn’t matter what you call it or what you’re actually doing.

If it is logical, if it works, use It! Make the art your slave and never allow the art to be your master!”

- Wong Shun Leung


Evolving Fist Wing Chun is what I originally described as a metaphor for Wing Chun Kung Fu evolved for present day.

As I continue my journey being a practitioner of Philipp Bayer/Wong Shun Leung Ving Tsun, the definition of the term has also evolved. This system of Ving Tsun has a reputation of proficiency and being battle tested.

From the beginning stages every empty hand technique trains the punch, creates an opening for the punch (or strike), and supports the base structure (the stance) that delivers the punch. The fist (or open hand strike) evolves from the training the elbow to be in center, driving forward.

In other words the fist evolves from proper training utilizing our whole body. When trained correctly through drilling, it will evolve in the moment from the structure, techniques, body mechanics and behavior trained.