Ving Tsun/Wing Chun 詠春

The primary goal of Ving Tsun is to abruptly end a violent confrontation in the most efficient and dynamic way.

"An untrained person, when he/she fights will tend to swing, punch, grab and kick all over the place in the hope that something connects and has success. This puts us in danger of serious injury and defeat, unless we are lucky of course.

The system of Ving Tsun is used to correct and improve these habits so our bodies can become more useful and therefore more effective for combat."

~Philipp Bayer

Ving Tsun Core Drills

  • Dan Chi Sao (single arm chi sao)

  • Chi Sao (seung chi sao / lok sao)

  • Poon Sao (pressure testing for proper elbow positioning)

  • Seung Ma / Toi Ma (stepping forwards / stepping backwards)

  • Lop Sao (collecting hand)

  • Gor Sao (sparring)

VINg TSUN Empty Hand Forms

  • SIU LIM TAO (First form)

We start with developing a strong foundation (stance), body structure, and alignment using the elbow to develop the main weapon (the punch).

  • CHUM KIU (second Form)

Creating the bridge between you and the aggressor, taking our weapons to them. Here we learn how to move, generate power from our hips, turning on our heels, use ballistic movement, and redirect ourselves without overturning.

  • MOOK YAN JONG (the wooden dummy)

Introduced after Chum Kiu, we use this instrument for precision, positioning of our empty hand weapons, and simultaneous striking.

  • BIU JEE (third form)

Emergency techniques when things go wrong, to regain control of space in order to use our empty hand weapons.

Ving TSUN Weapons

*Traditional weapons with practical benefits

  • Luk Dim Boon Kwan (long pole aka dragon pole)

Develops stronger punching power, arms and legs work in unison to develop explosive power, although the length of the pole can vary from 8 ft to 12ft the strategies you develop prove extremely useful when faced against other weapons.

  • Baat Cham Dao (butterfly swords)

Arms and legs work in unison, footwork in increased measurably, the strategies you develop prove extremely useful when faced against other weapons.